Society for the Study of Christian Ethics annual conference
Theme: Freedom and Christian Ethics
4–6 September 2025
York St John University, England
The Society for the Study of Christian Ethics
- holds an annual conference which attracts leading scholars and practitioners from academia, politics, the church and society
throughout the United Kingdom, continental Europe, and the United States; - sponsors the leading scholarly journal Studies in Christian Ethics, published quarterly;
- sponsors a postgraduate forum with regular conferences and support for PhD students;
- and maintains a database of members and their interests, enabling others to identify colleagues who are working in areas
similar to their own.
The objectives of the Society
- to encourage and further the study of Christian ethics in its practical and theoretical aspects;
- to strengthen the teaching and learning of ethics as an academic discipline;
- to encourage serious ethical thinking and discussion in the life of churches;
- to foster the exercise of Christian social responsibility;
- to hold a Conference and at least one General Meeting of the Society in each calendar year
- We welcome the participation of those who are share these objectives. Join the society and become a member to be kept
informed of our news and events, or attend the annual conference. The full constitution of the Society is also available. - By becoming a member of the society, you will also receive an online account, which will enable you to use a number of
members-only sections of our website: to submit a conference paper proposal and to register for our conferences. - If you have already created an account for use on this system, you can login by clicking on the "Login" button above.
If you think you may need an account for our site without becoming a member, please contact the SSCE Honorary Secretary.