Member Signup and Renewal

We welcome the participation of those who accept the objectives of the society and share our interests in moral theology, moral philosophy, personal and social ethics, and public policy. The SSCE constitution details these objectives which serve as pre-requisites of SSCE membership (under §2 and 3). By applying for membership or renewal you certify that you agree to these, which are:

  • to encourage and further the study of Christian ethics in its practical and theoretical aspects
  • to strengthen the teaching and learning of ethics as an academic discipline
  • to encourage serious ethical thinking and discussion in the life of the Churches
  • to foster the exercise of Christian social responsibility
  • to hold a Conference and at least one General Meeting of the Society in each calendar year
Membership Levels and Fees

Please select the appropriate membership level below. Please note that membership in the SSCE operates on a calendar year basis. Your membership expires at the end of December each year, so please remember to set up a standing order, or pay via Stripe here promptly in January to ensure that your membership doesn't lapse.

If you would prefer to set up a bank transfer or standing order (to recur on Jan 1st please), please contact the Treasurer.

The Secretary will update your membership records and send you a record of payment when your payment has been received.

Total Amount
Please enter a Username to create an account. If you already have an account please login before completing this form.
Contact Information
Please share some of your areas of interest in Christian ethics (max 255 characters):